Arkansas Legislature

Stuff from Around Arkansas, January 18

"I don't want to seem ungrateful, but if you wanted to take my name off that terrible commission, that'd by OK."
"I don't want to seem ungrateful, but if you wanted to take my name off that terrible commission, that'd be OK."

Sin of Commission: The useless and dysfunctional Arkansas Martin Luther King Jr. Commission is being eyed for an overhaul. Notes one legislator: “We’re really trying to make sure our colleagues know the role the commission has played and can play in this state.” Sadly, nobody has any idea what that might be. (AP)

Housekeeping: Story reports that GOP lawmakers are unhappy with paltry committee chair assignments, but does not name or quote any of the complainers. So, uh, OK, there you have it. (Arkansas News Bureau)

Global Warning: Hey, remember all those posts I did on the ARGOCOGLOWARM last week? And then I just kind of stopped. What was up with that? Really took my eye off the ball there, huh? This really is the worst blog in the world. Anyway, here we are, like five days later, and this is what happened. The End. (Arkansas News Bureau)

Big Money: Arkansas Democrat-Gazette publishes annual list of state employees making over $100K, about half of whom are associated with the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. I wanted in on that action, so I applied to UAMS, but they wanted someone with actual medical qualifications and degrees and stuff. So it turns out that getting that “The Doctor Is In” mural airbrushed on the side of my van wasn’t any help at all. (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette)

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4 thoughts on “Stuff from Around Arkansas, January 18

  • Bill from Sheridan

    Poor Speaker Wills. It isn’t his fault that he didn’t appoint Republicans to any important committee chairmanships. He isn’t allowed to do anything without the Governor’s permission.

    Robbie has a problem on his hands. He promised everyone in the House huge favors if they’d vote for him for Speaker. There is no way he can make everyone happy. Beebe is going to keep squeezing him and he isn’t going to look very good by the end of this session.

  • Fourche River Rex

    Well, I mean, why not ignore the Republican members of the legislature if you are Robbie Wills or his Texas Playboys. If we’ve learned one thing over the years, it is that the Republican members of the legislature are not going to raise a stink when they get pooped on. Not publically anyway. If they do, they may miss out on some of the scraps from Beebe and the Democrats.
    We aren’t even affective as an opposition party because no one has the testicular fortitude to stand up against the Dems when they do something that belittles or marginalizes us. We just wince and take it. Sort of like a dog that has been kicked every day of its life. Better to be in the silent minority and tolerated than to be vocal in opposition and punished, I guess.


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