Arkansas Politics

Stuff from Around Arkansas, January 10

What does this vintage photo of '60s sex symbol Angie Dickinson in a bikini have to do with this post? I don't know. What am I, The Answer Guy?

Economy Size: If you’re in the mood to read a long list of cliché buzzwords and vague suggestions posing as a long-term strategy, then you should read this story summarizing Gov. Mike Beebe’s economic development plan for Arkansas. (Arkansas News Bureau)

Media Watch: Newspapers are terrible. (The Iconoclast)

Is It Getting Mormon Here?: Mike Huckabee wants you to know that he loves Utah and he loves Mormons. But he still hates Mitt Romney like poison. (The Mormon Times. Yeah, that’s right. I read The Mormon Times. What of it?)

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3 thoughts on “Stuff from Around Arkansas, January 10

  • Now I get it! I always wondered, way back in the seventies, why “Sgt. Leann ‘Pepper’ Anderson” was so popular. It’s her pictures from the sixties. ‘Cause it sure wasn’t her acting.

  • David Kinkade

    I watched “Point Blank” the other night, a fine late ’60s thriller in which she starred with the great Lee Marvin. Afterwards, I did a Google search to see how old she is now (77!) and that photo popped right up on the results. So naturally my first thought was, “Gosh, I should use that on the Arkansas Project.” It was like destiny or something.

  • Denny Crane

    “Point Blank”??? I thought that was the one with Keanu Reeves as a cop chasing after a group of surfers led by Patrick Swayze who run around robbing banks wearing ex-president masks…wait, nevermind.


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