
De Queen Bans Pit Bulls in City Limits

Dave's dog—and Arkansas Project mascot—Spartacus
Arkansas Project mascot Spartacus

Sorry, Sevier County dogfighting enthusiasts, but if you were looking at getting a pit bull, you’ll need to rethink your plan if you live inside De Queen city limits. The AP reports that De Queen officials approved an ordinance banning pit pulls:

De Queen Mayor Billy Ray Kelvy says no one’s been attacked, but that the city council has received complaints about the dogs. The city’s new ordinance, approved last week, bans four breeds of pit bull: American pit bull terriers, Staffordshire bull terriers, American Staffordshire terriers and American bulldogs.

Dogs that are a mixture of any of the four breeds are also banned.

I’m glad that we don’t have an ordinance like that in Little Rock, because I’m pretty certain my beloved dog, Spartacus, has some pit bull in his lineage. He’s a fighter, that’s for sure.

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3 thoughts on “De Queen Bans Pit Bulls in City Limits

  • Fourche River Rex

    How do you make a dog’s head so round?

  • Elizabeth

    Hairspray. Lots and lots of hairspray.

  • I am from DeQueen,Arkansas and for one I am not a dogfighter at all,I am infact one of the pit bull owners and there would be no way I would ever fight my pit.She is the best loving animal I have ever owned, she is very sweet and generous and very shy,she would not hurt a fly.There are some very cruel pit owners here in DeQueen but I am not one of those owners.My pit’s best friend is a tiny toy small dog which she sleeps and eats with her and plays with her and she also is very gentle with my four kids including my whole family.Sevier only banned the pits because their to lazy to get out and do their job right and that is arresting all the dog fighting owners and taking those poor abused animals to a shelter.Not to sound rude and anything but why call us sevier county arkansas pit owners Sevier County dogfighting enthusiasts when you don’t even know us and more and likely you don’t even live here, you are judging people that you don’t know anything about.I am one of the very proud arkansas pit owners and nothing in this world will stop me from keeping my family together.


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